YOCTO, IoT, and the GPLv3

IoT gadgets often only offer interfaces which do not allow to inspect or to modify their software. YOCTO tries to build specific software of IOT gadgets. And the GPLv3 requires that GPLv3 licensed software must be replaceable. So, we might ask, how YOCTO deals with this contradiction? → …

INSPECTION of 2019-06-30 about , , etc. with 1 comment

mycsrf 2.0

With respect to my upcoming scientific projects, I’ve updated mycsrf (mind your Classical Scholar Research Framework): It now allows to use projects in projects, to define autonomous subprojects with specific databases and to sliver parts as independent projects. In other words: no more distractions, simply mycsrf-2.0

Miscellaneous of 2018-11-26 about , , etc. with 0 comments

Die Sache mit der Milch

oder Klaut Open Source Software in der Cloud die Open Source Software? 2012 diskutierten einige Open Source Adepten, ob Open Source Software in der Cloud  das Prinzip von ‘Open Source Software’ unterlaufe? Es ging um folgendes: → …

INSPECTION of 2012-07-23 about , etc. with 1 comment