
Bows for good violins

Now, after having searched for one of the best modern violins and for an adequate bow, I know it is easier to find a good violin than a good bow. That’s one of the issues I had to learn: A violin has its own independent state of quality. But a good bow must fit to both, to the violin and to the physics of the player. So, you can not seriously ask the bow maker please, show me your best bow. He will confusedly regard you – just as I was eyed with irritation. Hence the question is: What can you do for finding the best bow for yourself?

In a nutshell …

I created an evaluation sheet containing a column for each bow technique. Then on a scale between 1 – 7, I set my existing bow onto the mid value 4. And I decided to buy only a bow which would significantly be better than my existing bow, with respect to all categories. Moreover, I wished to find one which on average would reach a 6.

… the result:

In an external forum for violin player I have thoroughly described, how I found my best bow.

How so ever, at the end I bought an  Arcus S7 carbon bow, which indeed pleases me up to now – 4 years later.

If you want also to use such an evaluation sheet for your own experiences, feel free, to load down my sheet as template. It’s published under the creative commons license CC-BY-SA. You may use, modify, and distribute it (under the same conditions) – in the spirit of open source.

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