
gtgt Or The Life After

In 2000, I had released the Gnu Template Generation Tools that instantiate a set of sources which were readily prepared for being developed, compiled, and installed with the GNU ‘Autoconf/Automake’ development environment. A few years later they were passed – by new languages, techniques, and tools. But now we have revitalized gtgt for special reasons of open source compliance:

What it is:

gtgt – spoken: gitty-gitty – is a set of scripts, which initialize a c/c++ project in a way, that it can directly be managed by the GNU Autotools – although one can nevertheless them under the terms of any other open or closed source license. How do you use the tools is explained in the gtgt-FAQ, which is part of every gtgt package. The Gnu Template Generation Tools have been revitalized for enabling us to create test data, that – under the leadership of the Open Chain Toolong Working Group – become part of a Test-Driven Open Source Compliance Automation.

Where you can get it:

gtgt can be downloaded from Github – by cloning the repository as usually, by downloading it as a zip file via the GitHub tools, or by downloading it from the gtgt -release-branch.

How do you use it:

The usage of gtgt is described in an FAQ.

What you may do with gtgt:

gtgt is distributed under the terms of the GPL-3.0. But its output – the created code and the instantiated project directory including some specific gtgt-scripts may be distributed under any other open- or closed-source-license. The output is not a derivative work of gtgt, even if it has been derived from gtgt by c&p.

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